With the new Delta variant looming over, we are yet to say a final goodbye to the pandemic. While schools have opened in some parts of the world, many places have opted to continue with remote or hybrid learning.
There’s no doubt that today’s generation is tech-savvy. However, that doesn’t mean online learning is going to be easy for little ones.
Though you have to wear many hats being a parent, no one is expecting you to become a qualified teacher overnight. If your child starting school soon, it’s going to take some work. Here are some ways you can prepare and help your child.
1. Follow a Schedule
Starting school for the first time involves learning as well as getting into the groove of a structured classroom. Students have to show up on time and follow the timetable set by the teachers. And that’s something your child won’t be familiar with.
Firstly, you should wake them up at a specific time. Next, encourage them to get ready and have breakfast before classes start. During break time, make sure they step away from the study space and enjoy their lunch in another spot. This will ensure they are prepared for in-person school when the time comes.
2. Create a Daily Plan
Creating a daily plan for different subjects and activities is a way to make sure your child is keeping up with all the assignments and learning. A to-do list also eliminates any confusion and helps you track their progress.
3. Find a Distraction-Free Space
The surrounding space has a huge impact on a child’s learning, especially on younger ones. It would be best to invest in a desk and chair to create a supportive learning environment. You should also personalize the space with your child’s artwork and stationery. Look for the best deals when online shopping for school supplies.
4. Get the Necessary Tech
There is nothing more frustrating than a slow internet connection or a computer that keeps crashing. So you can imagine how distracting poor technology can be for kids, who already have a short attention span. Get a reliable WiFi connection and consider purchasing a laptop or tablet for your kids. You can find some of the best laptop deals here.
5. Communicate with Teachers & Other Parents
Teachers might not be physically present, but they are probably more than happy to help you with any issues. Don’t hesitate to drop an email to your child’s teacher if you have any questions. You should also create or join a group text with other parents.
6. Encourage Physical Activities
Physical activities play an important role in a child’s academic performance and overall health. Even if your child can’t go camping or join a sports class right now due to the pandemic, you can still set up some backyard activities. The main goal is to limit their screen time.
7. Be Patient
These unprecedented times are just as challenging for your child as it is for you and the rest of the world. They can’t see their friends, and they are forced to learn from a screen. We understand that teaching a child is not easy, but you have to be patient.
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