9 Effective Money-Saving Tips For Big Spenders

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Posted 08/30/21 7:45am by Prim

Do you tend to spend the majority of your paycheck within a week of receiving it? We all want to save money but actually making it happen is a lot more difficult. If you are struggling with money management, we’re here to help. Check out our best tips for saving more.

1. Start Tracking Your Expenses

It’s not just big expenses that are making it difficult to save. From your morning matcha latte to fitness classes, several day-to-day expenses add up over time. The first step to saving is knowing what you’re spending on. So start tracking all your expenses, no matter how small. 

2. Set Saving Goals

Saving just for the sake of saving is not easy for many people. If that’s the case, then give yourself a goal to work towards. Do you want to move to a better apartment? Are you planning to buy a new car in a year? Having such goals will encourage you to spend less and save more. 

3. Try Saving Challenge

Do you find financial talk boring? Well, saving can be more fun if you make a game out of it. Taking up short-term challenges is a great way to stay committed to saving. For example, the 30-day no-spend challenge involves not spending on anything non-essential for thirty consecutive days. 

4. Delay Purchases

If you are a tech enthusiast, then you are likely to buy new devices as soon as they are released. But paying for full-priced gadgets is burning a hole in your wallet. It’s smarter to delay your purchases and wait for good deals on laptops and electronics. 

5. Quit Expensive Habits

From dining at high-end restaurants to smoking, you might have a few expensive habits. If you are serious about saving more, it would be best to quit such habits. Not to mention excessive smoking and drinking are also injurious to your health. 

6. Look for Good Deals

Thanks to the internet, you no longer have to buy anything full-priced. From the best deals on patio furniture to discounted beauty products, you can easily find all kinds of coupons and discount codes online. Always look for deals before purchasing anything.

7. Shop Second-Hand

Are you addicted to retail therapy? Instead of blowing your money on trendy items, head over to thrift stores to find unique pieces. With some effort and scrounging, you can score some designer items at highly discounted prices.

8. Look at Your Consumption

It’s possible that you might be struggling to save up despite not spending on anything extravagant. We would suggest taking a look at your current consumption. From grocery bills to utility plans, check all the essentials to discover areas where you are overspending. 

9. Minimize Credit Card Use

Credit cards have made shopping so convenient. All you need to do is a quick tap or swipe, and the payment is complete. But this convenience comes at the cost of high-interest rates. Try to minimize your credit card use by withdrawing cash for weekly expenses. This will also discourage you from spending on unnecessary things.

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